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Music Dance & Theater
in Personal Enrichment
Fiddle Jam
with Resa Randolph
This class is designed for people who want to play traditional fiddle tunes with others in a slow, friendly environment. Each week we will follow a set list of tunes and play them at a comfortable pace that will allow everyone to take part. Students will receive a list of tunes before each session so they can practice ahead of time. Perfect for the shy or advanced beginner/early intermediate musician. We welcome fiddle, guitar, mandolin, banjo, bass.
Guitar Workshop
with David Bradbury
So You Think You Can't Sing? You Can!
with Sofija Kleinschmidt

Often times, singing is made out to be a mystical, elusive art that only a handful of people are gifted with. This couldn’t be more wrong. If you can speak, you can sing! In fact, you already do. Whether you’ve never really sung before, or you’re a car karaoke master who’s just too shy to let your voice ring past the windshield, there’s something in this course just for you! Learn to embrace the natural nuances of your voice, gain confidence in your abilities as a singer at all stages, and learn how to assess and safely explore new techniques all on your own!
Will run