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Computers & Technology
in Personal Enrichment
Computer Class for Older Adults 03.15.25
with Michael Wilson

Excel for the Absolute Beginner 03.16.25
with Michael Wilson

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AI (Ai) for Older Adults - So Easy and Practical! 03.23.25
with Michael Wilson

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Creating Envelopes and Labels in Microsoft Word 03.27.25
with Michael Wilson

Design Business Cards, Flyers, Invitations, and More! 04.07.25
with Michael Wilson

Conquer Your Mac Photos App: Edit Your Images
with BoomerTECH Adventures
Over exposed image? No problem––adjust the exposure in editing mode. Wish your photo could be black and white instead of color? Choose a filter and change the ambiance of your image. Does the main object of your picture seem lost among extraneous details? Use the cropping feature to focus your viewer's eye on the most important part of the image. These examples are just a few of the many ways you can turn an average image into someting special. Have fun editing your pictures with the many options in your Mac's Photos app.
Conquer Your Photos App Chaos: Tame Your Mac Images
with BoomerTECH Adventures
Many people have 1000 or more images stored in their Mac desktop/laptop Photos app. Frustration sets in when one tries to locate a picture or video among the multitude of saved images. Understanding the built-in organization of the Mac Photos app is the first thing you will learn in this course. Next comes organizing your images and video into albums and folders in order to develop your own management system. Plus, you will also learn how to tag people in photos and create shared albums that you can invite friends and family to view.
Create & Deliver Online Zoom Courses
with BoomerTECH Adventures
This course is designed for those who want to develop an online course using Zoom, a video conferencing platform. This guide consists of step-by-step videos that explain and demonstrate how to use Zoom as well as appropriate instructional tips to build an engaging online course in any subject. You will learn everything you need to know about Zoom—tools, settings, security, instructional strategies, building community, Zoom tips for instructors and students, and much more.
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