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Arts & Crafts
in Personal Enrichment
Oil/Acrylic Painting - Open Studio 2.11.25
with Linda Leach and Sandy Clement

Join us in person for an open studio painting experience! Bring unfinished or blank canvas, paint, and easel to enjoy 2 relaxing hours with fellow artists and budding artists. Let's keep painting!
Will run
Valentines - Create Your Own!
with Leslie Miller

Scissors and paper. A little glue and Love. That’s all you need! The first cut paper Valentines were made more than a hundred years ago in France. They were beautiful, frilly, layered, cards, with some writing. In this class you will craft your own cards for loved ones. The only requirement? Love of investigation! You may bring your own scissors and paper or use what the instructor provides. $5 materials fee is included in registration.
Will run
Sewing: Open Studio 2.13.25
with Sandy Clement

Will run
Oil/Acrylic Painting - Open Studio 2.25.25
with Linda Leach and Sandy Clement

Join us in person for an open studio painting experience! Bring unfinished or blank canvas, paint, and easel to enjoy 2 relaxing hours with fellow artists and budding artists. Let's keep painting!
Will run
Sewing: Open Studio 2.6.25
with Sandy Clement

Molded Leather Cuffs
with Susan Hurst

Cut, mold, and dye your own beautiful leather cuffs. You'll receive materials to make two cuffs during this two-night workshop. You can choose from three different designs. The first night we'll cut the shapes and mold them. The second night, we'll dye them and add a finish. You'll go home with two lovely cuffs. Registration includes materials fee. Bring a pair of scissors if you have them.
Drawing Room Collective
with Deb Vendetti

with Angie Jones