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Home & Garden
in Personal Enrichment
Basic Home Improvement and Repair for Beginners
with Wayne Sainio

Will run
Gardening for Beginners: Starting from Scratch
with Sharon Turner

You want to start a garden but you don't know where to begin. Planning and preparation are essential to the creation of productive, efficient, and beautiful vegetable and perennial gardens. In this class you will learn about garden design, plant varieties, seed starting, mulching, composting and fertilizing. Organic and “low-till” practices, native plants, and the inclusion of plants attractive to birds, bees, butterflies and other beneficials will be emphasized. $10 for materials (handouts) to be paid to instructor. This class will include a visit to the instructor's nursery in Washington.
Will run
Farming with Edible Native Plants 04.01.25
with David Spahr

Will run
Gardening: Making the Most of Your Yard and Garden in Spring
with Sharon Turner

Spring is a great time to plan, prepare, and plant trees, shrubs, and perennials! Whether you're starting from scratch, needing to renovate existing plantings, wanting to plan a new vegetable or flower garden, or create a special habitat for birds and beneficials, this field-based class is for you! The first meeting is the only one held at CHRHS; subsequent classes will meet at each participant's property to explore individualized, site-specific options. Organic practices will be emphasized as will the incorporation of native plants, especially those important for birds, bees, butterflies, and other beneficials. Please give us your physical address when registering. The first night is mandatory, students will receive information and subsequent garden visits will be planned for all participants—this will be the only meeting held in a classroom. Dates and times of subsequent meetings will be determined that evening. A $10 materials fee (handouts) is to be paid to instructor. Approximately 8 weeks total, with some meetings at gardens on weekdays and some on weekends. This class will include a meeting at the instructor's nursery in Washington.
Will run
Mushrooms, Edible and Medicinal of New England 04.15.25
with David Spahr

Native Plants: Why Are They So Important?
with Sharon Turner

Want to learn more about the importance of native plants? This one-night class will provide you with fundamental references and information. You will become acquainted with specific native trees, shrubs, and perennials and their particular beneficial roles in the ecosystem.
Mushrooms, Edible and Medicinal of New England 05.06.25
with David Spahr

Composting at Home 101
with Jacinda Martinez

Join Jacinda Martinez to learn about the basics of healthy soil and how to make your own using kitchen garden waste. Even with limited space you can compost and you will not only be helping your plants, you'll be taking less trash to the dump! Jacinda will walk you through different options and explain which gadgets actually do the trick.