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General Enrichment
in Personal Enrichment
Modern Chinese Culture and History
with Trevor Paul

Over four classes, you will learn the fundamentals of modern history and culture in the People's Republic of China. We will begin with an overview of the culture of China and how diverse the nation and peoples of China are. The next two courses will emphasize the events in China from the late 19th century to the present, with an investigation into events that have shaped the country into what it is today. The final class will be an experiential learning opportunity with calligraphy and watercolors using traditional Chinese inks and brushes.
Bridge for Very Beginners
with Kate Martino

Women's Only Defensive Pistol Fundamentals
with Alice Bean Andrenyak

Developing a Personal and Home Defensive Protection Plan
with Alice Bean Andrenyak

Will run
Weather for Outdoor Enthusiasts
with Alice Bean Andrenyak

We're spending more time outside and that is good. Learn how to integrate weather forecasts and your own reading of weather signs to plan ahead and best manage your outdoor activities—walking, biking, hiking, camping,paddling, boating, playing, and exercising. Learn from a Master Maine Guide and Total Weather Spotter. Course is presented via Zoom.
Will run
Upgrade Your Canoe and SUP Skills
with Alice Bean Andrenyak

This one-day, on-water workshop covers canoeing and SUP skills that everyone ought to know but doesn't. Learn how to transport canoes and SUPs properly; how to launch and recover; strokes for tandem and solo canoe paddling and SUPing. Learn rescues, especially after capsizing. You will go swimming, so you are required to wear a wetsuit or drysuit to participate. Limited suit rentals are available with advanced notice. You must bring: your own lunch; canoe; paddle; life jacket; and enthusiasm. SUPs will be provided. Limited canoe rentals are available with advanced notice.
Understanding Constitutional Carry and Legal Use of Force
with Alice Bean Andrenyak

This three-hour course is for firearm owners and non-owners. You will learn what to do when you see an attack or if you are attacked and respond with force. You will learn how to contact the first responders, how prosecutors might view what you did, rules about concealed carry in the US and Maine, and various ways to protect yourself without using a firearm. Part 2 of a 2-part series but can be taken separately.
Will run
Upgrade Your Sea Kayak Skills
with Alice Bean Andrenyak

This one-day, on-water workshop will teach you: proper transport of a sea kayak; strokes for most efficient paddling in different conditions; proper boat launch etiquette; safety on the water; where you should and shouldn't paddle; using a chart while paddling; common rescues and tows. There will be capsizing involved so you are required to wear a wetsuit or drysuit to participate. Limited rentals are available with advanced notice. You must bring: your own lunch; sea kayak at leat 14' long with two bulkheads; paddle; life jacket; bilge pump; paddle float; and enthusiasm.