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Five Town CSD Adult & Community Education

Personal Enrichment

Grammar Refresher Series
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Grammar Refresher Series


with Curt Simmons

These online courses will help you gain confidence in your ability to produce clean, grammatically correct work.

Hidden Gems on Your iPhone & iPad


with BoomerTECH Adventures

Did you know…your iPhone tracks your movements? The keyboard has hidden keys? You can write and draw on your photographs? You can calculate in your search window? Our iPhones/iPads have infinite and time-saving features that allow you to be creative, efficient, and have fun. These “hidden gems” will show you how to learn advanced features of your iPhone and iPad.

Will run

High Altitude Vacationing


with Carole Freeman

Don’t spoil your trip to a higher altitude - condition your body first. People often feel shortness of breath, lightheaded and fatigued at higher altitudes because their bodies work harder, while taking in less oxygen. Anxiety increases, your enjoyment decreases. You’ll have more energy, feel better and enjoy your trip when you condition your body first to increase oxygenation and endurance. Do the same preparation that elite athletes do with this 4-week, self-paced course at home, even if you live at sea level. You will receive a link and a code for this class after you have registered and paid.

Introduction to iPhone Basics


with BoomerTECH Adventures

It is safe to say that the vast majority of iPhone users rarely use more than a fraction of the features available to them. In this course, students will learn to use their iPhones to the best possible advantage. Here are some of the critical features we'll cover: Apple ID and password; structure of the iPhone (buttons and how they work); best apps to have and how to get them; how to text, phone, FaceTime, and email; using the Control Center; mastering Settings; updating operating systems; using key apps; understanding the apps that come with your phone and more.

Will run

iPad - Maximize Your iPad's Potential


with BoomerTECH Adventures

Learn to increase your capabilities to communicate, create, and connect by mastering your iPad’s features. This course covers navigating your iPad, its Camera and Photos apps, the options available in Settings, ways to communicate through writing and video, plus how to answer and make phone calls. Plus, you will learn about the apps that came already loaded on your iPad like the Calendar and Siri, your virtual assistant. It is important that you have updated to iOS 15; but don’t worry—if you don’t know how, we will show you the steps. Finally, you will also learn about accessibility features that are helpful for folks with finger mobility, sight, or hearing difficulties.

iPhone/iPad Vision Accessibility Features


with BoomerTECH Adventures

Many people have vision issues. A variety of iPhone/iPad settings allow you to use your device more easily when vision challenges arise. In this course you will learn where to find vision accessibility options and how to use them. The vision accessibility features are identical on the iPhone and iPad except in a couple of noted instances.

Mac Basics Introduction


with BoomerTECH Adventures

In this course, students will learn how to make their Mac computer (laptop or desktop) hum! Areas of focus include: Mac features, choosing the best browser, using Spotlight Search, learning how to use the Finder and App Store, understanding the keyboard, and learning the icons that define a Mac computer. These are all essential elments that students will learn.

Will run

More Hidden Gems on Your iPhone & iPad


with BoomerTECH Adventures

In our basic course on Hidden gems, we explored: tracking, slide to type, customizing your control center, and accessing the built-in scanner among other cool features. In this level 2 course, we delve into the additional secrets of our iPhones and iPads. Learn how to set up helpful widgets, control text size, choose an interesting Siri sidekick, access important privacy features, and more. You'll definitely increase your understanding of the intricacies of your iPhone and/or iPad at the conclusion of this course.

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