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Virtual live (Remote)
in Distance Learning
Adult Learning Center
with Five Town Adult Ed Staff
Unsure of where to start? Call us.
The Learning Center is open to all adults in need of academic instruction and guidance. Hours vary by day, and we will try to meet you on your schedule. Our staff provides individualized instruction in the areas of:
- High School Equivalency
- HiSET Prep
- Accuplacer Prep
- Math and ELA instruction to prepare you for college-level coursework
- General reading, writing, and math tutoring for anyone pursuing college or career education
- Workforce credential or certification tutoring and prep
- College and Career advising
All services through the Learning Center are FREE of charge. If you or anyone you know could use any of these services, please contact us.
Instructional Hours
Due to restrictions, please do not drop in unannounced to the Learning Center. Call us to schedule your first appointment.
ESOL - English for Multilingual Learners
with Rebecca Albright
Five Town CSD Adult Education welcomes all foreign-born people. Are you interested in improving your English skills? Learning English can help you:
- Obtain a driver’s license
- Communicate with your child’s school
- Get a first job
- Improve your living situation
- Expand your job prospects
Let us work with you to help you meet your goals. These are FREE tutoring services. If you or a neighbor need assistance, please call our office or register here to inquire.
Fundamentals of Statistics
with Peg Junge
This course (approximately 10 classes) is designed to prepare students for an introductory statistics course. College statistics is often difficult for students because the subject matter is unlike mathematics encountered in high school. The goal of this class is to provide the necessary foundational concepts for success at the college level. We begin by reviewing basic decimal and percents skills. Subsequent topics include data collecting considerations, organizing data and representing it visually, comparing data in terms of range, mean, variance, and standard deviation, and basic probability topics. Instruction can be provided in-person or on Zoom.
Will run
HiSET Preparation
with Brenda Hio-Hamdan
HiSet is Maine’s general education development (GED) program. If you are an adult without a high school diploma, the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) program could be your route to improved career prospects, a college education and increased earnings potential. Adult diploma programs are central to the mission and tradition of Maine Adult Education. Get your diploma and be one step closer to achieving your life's goals! Our daytime learning center is open only by appointment due to Covid-19 restrictions, but we have an active tutoring program available via Zoom. Email us or call our office to get started on your journey to a diploma or beyond!
Will run
HiSET Writing
with Brenda Hio-Hamdan
HiSet is Maine’s general education development (GED) program. In this 6-week Zoom course, you’ll learn how to write an essay for the HiSET Writing Test. The class will focus on organizing your ideas and providing supporting details in an argumentative essay. Grammar, punctuation, and writing mechanics will also be covered. There will be opportunities for revising and editing with other students. Learn how to write your best essay!
Will run
Mathematics for College
with Peg Junge
This class is for students who want to review math skills before taking a math placement test or enrolling in a college math course. The class provides one-on-one instruction where the instructor and student decide together on which type of math to work on. Some students may need to rebuild foundational math skills and concepts before moving on to more advanced math. Others may want to brush up on their Algebra skills. The class objectives will be decided during the registration process. Students may continue to meet with the instructor for tutoring help during their college mathematics course, if desired. This course has rolling admission and the day and time of meetings is flexible.
Will run